Video of Protest at Jannatul Baqee against Wahhabi Preachers
It is a very sad incident that last Friday evening, Shia Zaereen were attacked by Wahhabi Preachers and Saudi police just outside the Jannatul Baqee and near the holy grave of Prophet Mohammad (s.a.w.a.), the mercy for the mankind. It all started when a Mutawwa (Wahhabi police & preacher) was secretly recording by his video camera the ladies who were reciting ziyarat of the Aimma-e-Baqee (4 holy Imams a.s.) outside the Baqee. When the crowd protested this act, they were attacked by the police and mutawwas. Below video clips shows the protesters in large numbers. This incident has taken a shape of a movement in Madinah and other cities where there is a sizable population, mostly in the eastern part of the Kingdom. You are requested to pray that this movement is successful. Watch this video and forward it to other believers.
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